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Behbood Gostar Sania

Behbood Gostar Sania Company started its work in 2010 with the aim of producing cakes and improvers and emulsifiers for the flour industry under the Elias Sania brand in Mashhad. The company, with a variety of raw material production to about 20 products in 1398, also succeeded in launching a production line of various types of oily and layered cakes with the LASENORE brand, which in addition to creating employment for more than 300 people directly and 150 people directly Indirectly take an acceptable share in the sale of its products in domestic markets and exports to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq.

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نان رولت سانیکو
نان رولت سانیکو

یک شنبه 27 اسفند 1402

نان رولت سانیکو در طعم های وانیلی زعفرانی ماسالا و کاکائویی جهت سفارش تماس بگیرید 05135412680
